Thursday, September 29, 2011

LAD # 7: Washington's Farewell Address of 1796

President George Washinton decided after his second term in office to retire. To tell the people about his decision he wrote this letter to them. He refused the wish from the people to return to office for he wanted to go back to hes calm and peaceful life before. He also gave some advice to the people in this letter as he left. He told them that he feared the rise of political parties taking over the United States and that it would split the nation. He knew there must be some sort of nation unity. He also said that he believed the country should remain in their state of isolationism in the foreign affairs. Where they also would make no permanent alliances. He urged how important it was for the people to follow the laws and rules set by the Constitituion in order to allow this country to succeed. He then thanked the people and talked about how honored he was for the chances he was given during his precidency. This letter set a precedent for those behind him of this decision to run only for two terms, and yet this was not a written law yet so not everyone decided to follow.

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