Thursday, September 29, 2011

LAD # 7: Washington's Farewell Address of 1796

President George Washinton decided after his second term in office to retire. To tell the people about his decision he wrote this letter to them. He refused the wish from the people to return to office for he wanted to go back to hes calm and peaceful life before. He also gave some advice to the people in this letter as he left. He told them that he feared the rise of political parties taking over the United States and that it would split the nation. He knew there must be some sort of nation unity. He also said that he believed the country should remain in their state of isolationism in the foreign affairs. Where they also would make no permanent alliances. He urged how important it was for the people to follow the laws and rules set by the Constitituion in order to allow this country to succeed. He then thanked the people and talked about how honored he was for the chances he was given during his precidency. This letter set a precedent for those behind him of this decision to run only for two terms, and yet this was not a written law yet so not everyone decided to follow.

Republican Motherhood Blog

1. What role did the Revolutionary War play in the transformation of housewifery to Republican Motherhood?
 The women had to stay at home and could only work on things around the house like dealing with family, food, and housework. And when they would try to do more or something besides this work around the house, they would be considered to be disobeying Gods place for them in society. This is what housewifery would be before the war. But after the war, these women would believe that although they were still doing their same job like staying at home, they thought of it more as a time and place where they were teaching and training their children to become good citizens and to be smart and enlightened to try and participate in important matters like government due to their knowledge (Doc A). The women would also be trained to advance certain roles for their kids while educating them but another role besides teaching would be to become stewards and guardians of their husband's land (Doc B).

2. What were the consequences of Republican Motherhood on women?
   A consequence on women would be that women gained more roles in society and were not looked down on as much as before since they had to be educated enough to teach their sons what they needed to know in order to make them smart enough for government and certain roles they would take on. They now had to be able to know the English language, be able to write legibly, have some knowledge of important people, and some instructions on history, travels, etc (Doc B). Women were also being taken for granted since they were seen as just being there to create babies. But this is more important and the most necessary thing for the survival of humans since without this birth, the population would not continue since no one would be able to produce more children. This war made people realize that women were important in the process of creating the population since they birthed the child and then raised them to be the men and women in the future societies (Doc C).

3. What is the significance of the ideology of Republican Motherhood as a stage in the process of women's socialization?
 Women's duties were now becoming more and more important in society since at first women were just taken for granted to being believed by the people that their most important duty was having kids but these women were gaining more respect when people began to realize that babies were needed to create their future and continue their population growth (Doc C).The next stage that the women got were to be able to be respected that the not only did they create the new people but they also raised them. Without the women, the men that run the country would not be as smart, or charmful, and the country would be a group of chaos. These women kept gaining more respect for the duties they had received during the war and were in the steps of becoming equal by the realization that their jobs were most important in order to keep the societies under control and in alignment (Doc D).

1. Describe the setting.
This picture shows a room that seems kind of elegant and more of that of a rich family during this time by the pattern in the chair, the clothes the mother and kids are wearing, and the hairstyle. It also seems like that of an old time due to the clothing style and hairstyle warn by the mom and kids.

2. Who serves at the center of the portrait and why? How does the woman look? How is she "republican" rather than aristocratic?
The mother is at the center of the portrait because she is the center and focus and main reason for the raise and birth of these children. Without the mother the sons would not be there, therefore she is necessary and most important in this picture. The woman has different looks to her. She looks caring over the children since she has her arms rapped around the younger one. She also seems kind of to her self. Like she is not super outgoing. You can tell this by her straight poise, and then also by how she stays at home around the kids rather than out socializing like the men as much. The women looks hard working and like she knows what to do with the kids.

3. What values do her sons exhibit?
Her sons looks well mannered. The older son looks like he is pretty calm at such a young age. The youngest also looks more calm and not as miss behaved and crying and etc that many young kids display when they are not properly raised. These boys look like they are happy yet well behaved and will make wise men when they are older. They oldest also seems gentle for he is holding a bird which can help show signs of this.

4. Is there a significance to the position of Mrs. Tilgham's arm?
Yes i believe there is since I think it shows that she takes care of the kids. It shows that she is in control of them for it is on top of the child, but it also shows that she protects, and cares for the children as well. She keeps them safe and under control by the arm being placed over and around the son.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

LAD #6: Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality

This document signed on April 22, 1793, stated that the Ameicans were going to stay neutral and out of the affairs of the larger countries at fight. It says that if any American tries to aid, loan, or help to any of the Powers that they will not recieve protection from the United States any longer. Washingtion allows officers to punish or prosecute any citizen who decides to violate this new decision of neutrality. Washington signed and sealed this proclamation with the seal of the United States of America therefore putting it in place in the nation.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

LAD # 5: The Federalist Papers : No. 10

1. Why are factions so difficult to eliminate?
   Factions, or the groups of people who are so strong about one belief with unity and a sense of rebellion, are difficult to eliminate because of this reason. They are so strong about their beliefs that they gain followers and preach to others and since they believe fully in what they talk about, they will stop almost nothing until they recieve what they would like. This passion makes it hard to break up.

2. If factions cannot be removed then how can they be controlled?
   Different factions have to be controlled in different ways. For a minority faction or just a small group of believers would be easier to control than a faction that consists of the majority of the people. In order to remove the faction of a minority the other majority of the people could vote to rule what they want out. They can decide that what the faction want is not good and therefore the over powerment would end the faction. But if this is with the majority of the people, sometimes a change in government would be the solution. Going to a republic so that only elected people would run the goverenment rather than the people therefore the faction would not over rule everyone else. Yet this is not always the best solution for sometimes the goverenment should give the faction what they would like, either the liberty or interest or ideas they want in order to spread this wish to all the people which ultimatly illiminates the faction since its in the minds of everyone and is no longer just a group of people. Yet in general, a faction takes much effort to be removed and can cause much change and distress if it is in the minds of a large percentage of the population.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Blog #4: Rethinking the Revolution Article

   1. Many people today believe that the Civil War was more demanding, painful, costly, and vital, than the Revolutionary War.
   2. Famous people like the founding fathers would write memoirs and biographys to try to change how history would be viewed when looked back on in the years to come.
   3. The Revolutionary War was seen more by things like the Boston Massacre, and Boston Tea Party, and other events rather than an actual war with battles. But the Civil War was remembered by specific battles, this makes the civil war seem more important to some.
   4. Within a decade after the war, every single general from the Continental Army had died therefore the first hadn expeirence was lost making the war not as interesting or seem as important.
   5. There were photographs and documents recovered from the Civil War, making it more realistic and worse since the actual facts are there rather than forgotten details.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

LAD #3: Declaration of Independence

Summarize the Declaration of Independence in 3 parts (1. democratic principles, 2.list a handful of grievances, and 3. the conclusion)and then publish it on your blog as "LAD #3: Declaration of Independence."

1. The Declaration of Independence was the document that gave America indpendence from  Britain. It set up a democratic governement for the new free colonies to follow. Some of the democratic principles in this document include the ideas that everyone has the same three unalienable rights of life, libery, and persuit of happiness. These three ideas are the basis of our government today. Another example of these democratic ideas were that people could vote and help select government officials and give their ideas into who should be placed in what position. These ideas show democracy in our government because they allow people to put their say in instead of just the government. They also talk about how the king would cause injuries to their people and have absolute power over the people, and how much they dont like the idea of this therefore going in the opposite direction which would be democratic ideas.

2. The king refused to pass laws that may benefit the people but did not help him. He also would get together legislative groups in order to talk about things that were bothering him, and when houses did not agree with him, he would dissolve them. He cut off trade from all parts of the world, put taxes in place without the people's consent, he waged wars against the American colonies, he took us out of his protection, burned our towns, and destroyed our ports.

3. The Declaration of Independence stated that the colonies were now free of Britains rule. They could create their own government, laws, alliances, and wars. They now could control their own lives, fate, and future. This letter was signed on July 4, 1776 and was sent to the King of England declaring independence for America.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

LAD #2: "Peter Zenger"

Peter Zenger's lawyer stands up for freedom of the press
1. Who was Peter Zenger?

Peter Zenger was a man from Germany who came to NY in 1710. He was the printer and editor of a newspaper called the New York Weekly Journal. But this newspaper was in opposition to the governor and bashed him numerous times. Zenger was then brought to trial and charged when the governor could take it no more.

2. What was the controversy over his charges? Talk about Hamilton's defense.

The controversy over his charges were that although the slams he made were harsh, the people believed in them and they were actually true. This created controversy because he was charged with being libel but his defense, Hamilton pointed out to the jury that since the statements were true he could not be held libel. The jury was gone for only 15 minutes or so before they came back and concluded that Zengers was not guilty and could not be held on the charges of being libel.

3. What influence did his case have on American governmenal tradition?

It showed that the governments courts would hold up to their duties and protect the people's consitiutional rights like freedom of the press. It also helped lawyers since it allowed them to also use that if their clients statement could be proven true than they could not be held with the charge of being libel.

4. What is the lasting significance of his trial? Explain.

The lasting significance of this trial was the importance and backed up proof of freedom of the press to the people. This is because writers could now more freely critisize in articles as long as the stuff they print and say are true without being held libel. And with this, lawyers and courts new how to rule and what to do in the case of someone being charged with being libel.

LAD # 1: "Mayflower Compact and Fundamental Orders of Connecticut"

1. What concepts are included in the Mayflower Compact?

 The concepts of the Mayflower Compact include the christain faith and the idea of spreading, advancing, and practicing it. Colonialization is also another one since they are trying to set up and start a new life and include features like laws and consitituions. And another is to be obedient to England, France, and Ireland, their mother countries.

2. How does the Mayflower Compact reflect and attachment to both the "Old" and "New" worlds?

 Some ways it connects to the New world include the ideas that it wants to create laws, constitutions, officers. This relates to the New World because they are trying to build a government and with the officers they are trying to stear away from a king. This direction began to lead them to democratic ways which is part of the New World.  Some ways it connects to the Old World are that they are remaining loyal and subdue to their mother countries. Also, although they are trying to bring more democratic views to their government, some of the ways will be taken from Britain and be part of the old way of life.

3. How did the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut differ from the Mayflower Compact?

In the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, there is a distinct government trying to be set up. They include creating Courts, to go to for advice and decisions, elections, representatives, and other specific ways to create a solid government. But in the Mayflower Compact, they do no set up specific ways to create a better government, only a document to keep the settlers under control for the time being.

4. What prompted the colonists of Connecticut to take this approach to government, e.i.: use of a written Constitution?

The colonists believed strongly in the word of God and thought that to follow and live according to himthat the people must join together and create rules and guidlines to live by. Another reason would also be seen that because they were combining more areas, there were more residents which would lead to more caus. So by creating a constitution and guidelines, they were fulfilling what they believed God wanted and being able to control the people living there.

5. In what significant way(s) does the Fundamental Orders reflect a fear of and safeguard against the usurping of power by one person or a chose few?

In the fundamental orders, they make it clear of multiple ways to spread power out. For there would be a Courts to decide and analyze situations. There would be elections, and one person could not govern for more than once in two years. Plus the new governer must be approved by the Congregation, and other groups. This helps in the system of checks and balances along with secretaries, and general assemblies, and magistrates, to not allow a small group or person to become too powerful.